That they can does not mean that they should

We adopted a 5yo some months ago.

A few weeks back, my mum asked her to get dressed so they could go to church together. I don’t remember what I was doing but I had not gone to check on her while she got ready. When she came out, she was wearing the same polo shirt and skirt from the previous day, neatly tucked in and her hair combed – a clear attempt to tidy up for church.

She was 5 and could dress up. It did not mean she could wear the right dresses. It did not mean she should be left alone to determine her outfit per occasion.

I think of the things we expect of late teenagers and early 20s, expecting that it is ‘okay’ for them to date men well in their 30s, and we should not raise an eyebrow because they are “legal”. That they can does not mean that they should. 

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